Friday, November 30, 2007

Frosty Morn.

It was a cool 4 below zero here this AM. At this moment it is actually a "steaming" 12 degrees, on the plus side. It doesn't feel too bad, with light winds.

The livestock don't seem to mind it at all, and they weren't even terribly excited to come in to feed. We are only feeding the bred heifers, heifer calves, the selling bunch of calves, and some short termers etc., that are for sale. We are actually supplementing them, as most still have to graze some too.

As we calve closer to green grass than some ranchers do, the requirements of our bred cows are not real high right now. If they have lots of grass, and good water they will do quite well when the weather is moderate.

Here are two pictures of the coming two year old heifers eating some haybet barley hay (that we purchased for them), and a couple panoramic pics.

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