Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Welfare cases, and and old mower.

When I was out checking water, the cows were thinking it was time for them to get a handout. But no such luck. They will have to wait a while for a bite of cake if the snow holds off. They are wintering very well so far on grass, salt, and fresh water. This bunch will be moved to fresh pasture soon, but they are doing great where they are at.

The old mower in the lower picture is a remnant from earlier owners of this ranch. It has always made me think I should do something with it, but so far all I have done is look. It probably will stay that way. I need to get the dates off the pictures, as they are wrong.


Jinglebob said...

Price of fuel, maybe you need to fix it up and hook the team to it next summer. I've got a couple old ones that I always wanted to fix up, just to mow around the yard and the ditches. Like so many of my good ideas, it's never happened yet! ;)

Tap said...

That is about the way my "good" ideas go too. lol.